Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Driving Safety Tips for Wintery Conditions

Cold weather is upon us, and daily driving routines can become very dangerous if the proper precautions and safety measures are not followed. Be prepared by keeping your car maintenance up to date, especially in the colder months, to keep it running as best as it can. During winter, it is best to keep the gas tank at least half full at all times to avoid gas line freeze up. Make sure you also have a fully stocked emergency kit in the vehicle, equipped with items such as first aid supplies, thermal blankets, flashlight, and jumper cables, which can be crucial in the event of a car breakdown. IIS offers a variety of these types of kits already stocked with necessary equipment.

When the time comes for driving in the snow, be sure to accelerate and decelerate slowly, while keeping overall speed low. If you can, don’t come to a complete stop, such as at traffic lights. It’s easier for a car in snow to keep moving from a slow roll than to start moving again from a dead stop. In terms of driving on hills, try to keep a steady speed all the way going up, and don’t stop in the middle or risk sliding back down or getting stuck. When going down a hill, ride the brakes to move as slowly as possible.

Above all else, if you don’t need to leave the house and drive during a snowstorm, don’t. Staying off snowy roads is always safer than trying to maneuver them.

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