Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Psychrometers Made by Yours Truly

Industrial Instruments & Supplies has been supplying our own psychrometers, manufactured at our Pennsylvania location, for the past 25 years. The IIS psychrometer includes both wet and dry bulb thermometers, which can determine an atmosphere’s relative humidity when the difference between the temperatures measured on each is calculated. There is also a battery operated fan to provide more accurate readings. In order to get the most accurate reading, it is imperative to place the psychrometer in an area that is not too hot or too cold, and not directly in contact with any persons.

For added convenience, each psychrometer also displays a psychrometric chart, enabling easier calculation of humidity. Simply find the intersection on the chart of the wet and dry bulb temperature readings and that is what the relative humidity is. All parts of the psychrometer are easily replaced, if necessary, as they are all available separately on our website. The battery operated psychrometer, manufactured by your friends at Industrial Instruments and Supplies, is the perfect solution for all your humidity measuring needs.

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