A major step in hiring new people to work at a business is
making sure they are trained on proper company procedures and policies. Whether
the company is an office setting or an industrial site with more safety
precautions, training is important to help create a comfortable employee dynamic
and avoid costly accidents. This knowledge can be easily achieved with Marcom’s
line of workplace training materials. They offer an extensive line of training
topics, from “Preventing Sexual Harassment” and “Computer Workstation Safety”
to “First Aid in Construction Environments” and “Scissor Lifts in Industrial
and Construction Environments,” just to name a few. Most of the topics are
geared toward regular employees, but a lot of them are also available for
training new managers in their role with more responsibility in the situation.
A training kit for each topic includes a DVD training
program with a leader’s guide and employee quizzes, employee booklets, and
relevant posters to help ensure the full education of each employee.
IIS offers the full line of Marcom’s training kits and
materials. Learn more about these products by checking out marcomltd.com or
contacting IIS today!